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You are here: BAILII >> About BAILII >> Privacy Policy URL: https://www.bailii.org/bailii/privacy.html |
BAILII's privacy policies are based on respect for international
standards of information privacy protection.
Data Protection
A1. BAILII collects information which identifies, for each page accessed on BAILII, the network identity of the machine which has accessed it. BAILII retains this usage information for purposes of network analysis, usage analysis, and research into usage patterns for the purpose of improving BAILII services. Access to and use of this information is restricted to BAILII management and staff as well as to researchers working on BAILII projects, who are subject to an agreement to adhere to this Privacy Policy.
A2. BAILII does not disclose or publish information which identifies individual machines, or potentially identifying sub-groupings of addresses, without consent. BAILII does publish aggregated information about usage patterns.
A3. BAILII reserves the right to gather more extensive information than stated above (i) about any attempted access to BAILII which raise security issues (and, where necessary, to make disclosures to relevant authorities); and (ii) for network analyses on an occasional basis.
A4. BAILII may use and disclose usage information on an anonymous and aggregated basis in support of fundraising requests. BAILII may also use aggregated usage information for particular organisations in support of fundraising requests made to those organisations.
B1. Some BAILII databases contain personal information, including the decisions of Courts and Tribunals, and the reports of Royal Commissions. BAILII publishes these databases with the consent of the public bodies concerned. England & Wales judgments and some UK decisions are published under a transactional licence with The National Archives (TNA). It is the responsibility of the public bodies which provide these databases and materials to BAILII to determine, subject to the requirements of the laws under which they operate, the appropriate balance between the privacy interests of individuals and the public interests in dissemination of the information. In particular, if personal data is to be anonymised before publication, this is done by the public body concerned. BAILII does not and cannot censor part or all of the information provided by these public bodies for publication.
B2. BAILII does not consent to the contents of these databases being indexed by other websites. BAILII attempts to prevent such indexing occurring by placing these databases outside the permitted scope of web 'crawlers', 'robots' or 'spiders' that adhere to the voluntary Robot Exclusion Standard
BAILII also monitors whether any robots attempt to index these databases in disregard of this Standard, and takes steps to exclude any that do so from any access to BAILII.
B3. BAILII users should note that there are legal limitations on the use, publication and dissemination of some personal information contained in BAILII databases.
BAILII reserves the right to exclude access to its databases by users or sites that are in apparent breach of any such legal requirements.
BAILII retains the services of a part-time professional fundraiser to provide fundraising, engagement, and event management services. and as a data processor in relation to fundraising and engagement. On behalf of BAILII, the fundraiser maintains information about and contact details for both corporate and individual donors, and contact information for those invited to the Sir Henry Brooke Lecture or other events. See also Donations.
If you have any comments or suggestions in relation to this policy, please contact us.